Well played Devito. Here's to staying up all night with the sexiest man alive then making a sloshed fool of yourself on National TV. Cheers!
I have never wanted to be famous less in my life.
As hard as it is to believe, Sally and I are going o be married two years on Monday. If you count the three years we dated and were engaged which I do, it's been five years.
I'll spare you having to skip over the mushy details and just say this: I love my wife. Life without her would be as my friends south of the border say "El' Sucko". I know it's not really Spanish. Pretty soon we are going to make the jump from throwing our money away every month renting and buy a house. We are going to look at this one today.
I want to pull into this driveway every night.
Last weekend was one game short of the best sports holiday weekends of my life. The Ag's beat Texas, the Cowboys stomped Tampa and the Mav's waylayed the Spurs. The only thing that would have made it sweeter would have been the Stro's crushing the Cardinals is the 1st ever Thanksgiving MLB double header. Although, we did pick up Carlos Lee for a smidge over what he's worth, so I'll go ahead and call it a Hat Trick.
I rediscovered Ben Taylor this morning. he has a new album out and is touring the world. Hopefully he will pick up his dad's slack and actually make his way to Houston. Check it out.
www.bentaylorband.com Thank me later