I should be ashamed of myself for letting 9months go by without a blog; i should... yet I'm not.
Here, in honor of blogs past, the top nine observations weighing & consuming my A.D.D. madula oblingata:
9.) Brittish Humor is profoundly more creative than ours: i.e. - The British and orginal "The Office", Monty Python and the original three Guy Ritchie Movies
8.) Youtube coule be the worst and best invention of all time
7.) Will Ferrell could take a poo on a paper plate, film said poo and garuntee 20 mil opening weekend.
6.) If you have enough money and following of people with the intuition of sheep you can start your own church regardless of theology or call. I know everyone is expecting me to name church's in typical wade form - sorry.
4.) Marriage indeed gets better everyday - I don't think my wife
even reads this blog, so that can't be consiered sucking up - just truth

3.) Teenagers are dealing with more than my 15 year old heathen mind could have conceived 15 years ago.
2.) Grace has an infinite multitude of humbling layers
1.) If people could divorce religion and church from Christ - a radical reformation would take place.