Thursday, April 24, 2008

9 pm on a week night

And I'm at Starbucks until the over dramatic horde of health and wellness product purchasing ladies leave my house.

So, for the masses - a few things I'm excited about that you too, in my oppinion, should be stoked about as well.

Smart People - I like Dennis Quaid. He won me over in Everybody's All American when I was a kid, and it stuck.

Jack Johnsons New album - just good.

Luke Wilson

being in a movie that isn't another poop sandwich. Maybe?

Monday, April 7, 2008

My soap box has been in the shop

4.14 - despite what the date above says..

My friend Colin says that the majority of people who blog spend the vast amount of their literary energy complaining, while my friend Neil thinks everyone who blogs is drastically self absorbed to believe anyone cares what they have to say. I agree with both. I have always been a fan of the status quot, it's how I greased through all levels of school, so why break the cycle now.

My rant today will exceed previous levels of self righteousness and be seasoned with incalculable amounts of vanity.

Can someone explain how and when Christians became:

A.) Incapable of creating our own culture.

Are we as followers of an inconceivably innovative Messiah so hard pressed and desperate to cling to the strands of the pop culture garment, that to prove ourselves relevant to the current ethos that we just carbon copy the most recent trend add "God"or "Jesus" to it and label it "Christian"? I know all of the arguments for providing a safe and positive alternative for kids and teenagers, I do this for a living; but I have to be honest, I'm pretty sure God wouldn't and doesn't want his name associated with some of this garbage.

We need to praise God for companies like Walden Media who partner up to make high end movies to save us from Omega Code 19.

B.) Equally incapable of thinking as individuals.

I'm walking our students through the book of Luke. In chapter 12, the masses following Jesus have surpassed 10,000 people, and Jesus does something that I think had become obsolete in a world of TV preachers
and Prosperity Gospel catastrophe. He takes time to instruct the twelve on how to live amongst reprehensible routine of religion. Before I make myself nauseous with an overload of self righteousness, I'll exit on this; seek out world perspective beyond heinous fact less e-mail forwards, double standard news channels and nebulous tradition.


Monday, March 31, 2008

One more before April

March's last blog consists of me asking you to watch how Sally and I will raise our one day quiver full of children. Watch


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

like the sands of an hourglass, so are the days of this blog...

Things I'm excited about, that I believe in my heart of hearts you should be excited about too(I always hear people say "heart of hearts" and I have no idea what it means, so I thought I would give it a shot and see if it doesn't).

Step Brothers - re kindling the magic that is Will Ferrell and John C. Riley.

Astros 2008 - No more Ensberg or Qualls - praise the Father in Heaven.

Kevin Jetton Having teenage boys that will dress as suave as he did.
I think he was the tenor in Color Me Bad


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Once a week is realistic

Two things roaming the abandoned hallows:

A.) I went to Mexico this weekend to scout a family mission trip. After dozens of trips to border towns, not counting trips in my B.C. days, I have asked the Lord to strip me of pity. It's not pity that glorifies Christ; it's service. Serving those who are part of the same body, covered with the same grace and redeemed by the same Savior. Pity moves you to guilt for what you have and what they don't. Service directs you to humility. Pity drives you to an emotional reaction, while serving allows you to be the practical tool of an empathetic Creator.

B.) My folks were in town last week for my dad's yearly check-up to make sure his cancer is still in remission - which it is - praise God. I took them to the hospital and was sitting in the waiting room with my mom and she asked me why there is such hype over Amy Winehouse. My take is, even though she is a walking train wreck ,

she writes and performs her own music. I think people are nearing burnout on studio created music. Let me throw on my music snob hat, and instruct you to take a break from the heavy rotation of Fergie, T-pain, Sean Kingston and Beyonce and spend a few bucks and download a couple songs from people who write their own music:
