Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I'm officially closer to 30 than 25. A little depressing yes, but I woke up this morning feeling a little more distinguished. Could just be a 9 meal a day hangover from the long weekend though...I'll let you know.

So what have you done to prove yourself as a animal activist? Bet it's not as cool as my

boy Bao Xishun.

I opened a lobster trap and released them back into the ocean once. I fear that might not be near as impressive.

After reading the story of Bao saving the dolphins, I googled him. Apparently he's in the market for a lady friend. Well. here you go ladies - the worlds tallest man, and evidently he's quite the suave dresser.

Look out ladies!
Concert and family reviews coming later in the week.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I got pulled over by this guy the other day.
It obviously wasn't this exact cop. That would be pretty sweet if it was. But this is basically him. Same sweet glasses. I deserved the ticket. I was speeding. I was aware of this at the time. By the time he got to my window I had my license and insurance out. I broke the "law", I get a ticket. So I figured my expediting the process would make me and Ponch square. But hey, captain power trip instead harassed me about my drivers license address not matching my insurance address. Again, I was in the wrong. I should have changed it the past 16 months since we have lived in our new place. I hadn't, cite m if you need to. I deserve it. What do I not need? To be berated by a man with a moustache. I made a witty comment that should have landed me in handcuffs. But, it didn't. I'm happy. I don't want to go to jail...again. What? Anyway - moral of the story? I have no idea. But cops make me laugh. I respect the heck out of them-but they make me laugh.
Other new developments in life:
I am going snowboarding in two weeks. Pretty stoked. I haven't been in 5 years. Last time I went I broke my foot. It was not what you might call an enjoyable time. This could be a long story, I won't bore you. The highlight of the story. While snowboarding home from work one day I broke my foot. Since snowboarding was an Interregnal part of my job, my services were no longer needed so I packed up, caught a ride home from a group of friends from college who happened to be skiing in the next town over, and headed home. All of the cars in the caravan o' rich kids were full except for a Tahoe with two girls I didn't know and due to the excruciating pain in my foot, I had no desire to get to know. I was faced with a dilemma. My foot was throbbing like the dickens, and I wasn't in the mood to make fifteen hours of small talk with two girls whose dad paid not only for their $900 ski's locked into the roof rack up top, but the $35,000 Tahoe the rack was attached to. Solution: I told the girls that the Dr.'s in Vail gave me some really strong medication that made me incredibly drowsy, so if it was OK with them I would just sleep in the back. So to effectively enact my ruse, at the first gas stop, after paying for their tank of gas I took five Nyquil's. (don't try this at home - a mere mortal could die) Legend/rumor is I snored from Denver to Dallas. Don't be jealous.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I orginally wrote most of this blog last Wednesday, but due to the fact I am a very important person I am just now getting back to it.

Sylabus's are great. Know what else is great...reading them. Finals week is this week. Know what I had last tuesday night in my Tuesday night class? A final. What? Aparently, i didn't read the portion of the syllabus that stated to "help" us with our final schedule, we were going to have the final a week early. Awesome. Not my most noteworthy of test prformances, but I came out ok I think.

Two realizations I have come to in the past two weeks:

1.)I am addicted to more things that I would like to admit. Addictions imply weakness. I normally don't choose to recognize my humnaity but since this is my private diary, I feel like I can confess my grevious sins... Dear Diary, these things I can't live without......

Too many I know.

Realization # 2.) I want to see a lot more places than I have seen . Sally tells everyone that if it were up to me I would spend all our money on traveling. I can't argue.

10 places I want to see in the next five years.

BOSTON >see the green monster in person

U.K. > looks like we are going this summer

CANADA> canadian rocky mountains

THE REST OF SPAIN > only seen parts

THE REST OF ITALY> see above

OREGON/WASH ST. > sit and speak with my hippie friends

ISREAL > obligatory Christian destination

AFRICA > i need to adopt some kids and get famous

ALASKA > the home of eskimo pies? are you kidding me?!

AULSTRALIA > 100 year storm (long live sawyze)