Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I orginally wrote most of this blog last Wednesday, but due to the fact I am a very important person I am just now getting back to it.

Sylabus's are great. Know what else is great...reading them. Finals week is this week. Know what I had last tuesday night in my Tuesday night class? A final. What? Aparently, i didn't read the portion of the syllabus that stated to "help" us with our final schedule, we were going to have the final a week early. Awesome. Not my most noteworthy of test prformances, but I came out ok I think.

Two realizations I have come to in the past two weeks:

1.)I am addicted to more things that I would like to admit. Addictions imply weakness. I normally don't choose to recognize my humnaity but since this is my private diary, I feel like I can confess my grevious sins... Dear Diary, these things I can't live without......

Too many I know.

Realization # 2.) I want to see a lot more places than I have seen . Sally tells everyone that if it were up to me I would spend all our money on traveling. I can't argue.

10 places I want to see in the next five years.

BOSTON >see the green monster in person

U.K. > looks like we are going this summer

CANADA> canadian rocky mountains

THE REST OF SPAIN > only seen parts

THE REST OF ITALY> see above

OREGON/WASH ST. > sit and speak with my hippie friends

ISREAL > obligatory Christian destination

AFRICA > i need to adopt some kids and get famous

ALASKA > the home of eskimo pies? are you kidding me?!

AULSTRALIA > 100 year storm (long live sawyze)

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