James Cameron:
Here's to you. You made one "blockbuster" movie, that in my humble opinion was criminally overhyped. But, to your credit you made enough money and celebrity to spend the past 10 years convincing companies to fund your Steve Zissou like mini sub expeditions. Don't worry, we won't leave out your executive producer title for the monumental FBI/Surfer Bank Robber masterpiece Point Break. Now, however, you have reached you panicle. You have indisputable evidence that Jesus and Mary were married, AND they had a son. Thanks James - I am so "convinced " ( they don't have a sarcastic font, or I would have used it there.) http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23386857-details/I
Louis Farrakhan

You crazy crazy S.O.B.!
I don't have one item in particular to salute you for, jut simply your compilation of K-razy reversed racism rants, anti goverenment propaganda, and delicious bow ties! You're stepping down as the Leader of The Nation of Islam this week...you will be missed....I'm assuming.
In the Category of most predictable Train Wreck:
Britany Spears - I don't even have to write anything - the G.I> Jane pic says it all.
Daniel Radcliffe : Way to traumatize children by transforming from sweet innocent wizard in the Harry Potter films to Horse "Loving" dude on stage in Eguus.
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