Monday, March 10, 2008

like the sands of an hourglass, so are the days of this blog...

Things I'm excited about, that I believe in my heart of hearts you should be excited about too(I always hear people say "heart of hearts" and I have no idea what it means, so I thought I would give it a shot and see if it doesn't).

Step Brothers - re kindling the magic that is Will Ferrell and John C. Riley.

Astros 2008 - No more Ensberg or Qualls - praise the Father in Heaven.

Kevin Jetton Having teenage boys that will dress as suave as he did.
I think he was the tenor in Color Me Bad


1 comment:

Kevin said...

let's see how you dressed in 96. i challenge you to post a pic of you the same year. you too will feel the shame.