Monday, January 22, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
In other news. Looks like the marathon dream is least for now. Unbeknownst to most everyone, I had been training for the Austin marathon. But, it seems I have developed a premature type of tendon and joint arthritis. So I have cut the running in half and started swimming and biking and lifting again this week. Sprint Triathlon season starts back up again this spring, so I think that might be the new adventure. I have been looking into training regiments and this Korean sub-zero training seems to be the most time to result beneficial.
I'm on it.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
I was on less than a quarter tank of gas, no problem since the next town was in 19 miles, and the first two miles of closed road were in better condition than the open roads we took to get this far. Within the next mile the road turned AWFUL. More awful than that..the next town didn't exist, then town that was 10 miles past that, Amistad, wasn't as much of a town as it was a cultish compound consisting of a Methodist church, a 1a high school and no gas station. Excellent. We reached the point of no return, were forced to turn around by the snow plow company, and found refuge with a farmer named Chuck. This all had the makings of incredible horror movie. Chuck ended up being one of the nicest men I have ever met. Even when we knocked on his door during an ice storm. He found an old hose in his hog barn, helped us syphon gas from Chris' truck into mine. We thanked him for his time and headed back the way we came. There was a hotel in the town we came from, where we could bunker down for the night and wait out the storm. But oh no my friend, we were on a quest. So we got the latest road reports and spent the next 6 hours zig zagging through Texas and New Mexico. At 11 pm, after MANY attempts to make our way onto I-25 and becoming honorary members of the tucker sub-culture via a Love's Truck Stop, we got locked down in Las Vegas. No, not that Vegas, Las Vegas New Mexico. No hotels to be had by that time, so we found uncomfortable cots and grumpy old volunteers at
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Sylabus's are great. Know what else is great...reading them. Finals week is this week. Know what I had last tuesday night in my Tuesday night class? A final. What? Aparently, i didn't read the portion of the syllabus that stated to "help" us with our final schedule, we were going to have the final a week early. Awesome. Not my most noteworthy of test prformances, but I came out ok I think.
Two realizations I have come to in the past two weeks:
1.)I am addicted to more things that I would like to admit. Addictions imply weakness. I normally don't choose to recognize my humnaity but since this is my private diary, I feel like I can confess my grevious sins... Dear Diary, these things I can't live without......
Too many I know.
Realization # 2.) I want to see a lot more places than I have seen . Sally tells everyone that if it were up to me I would spend all our money on traveling. I can't argue.
10 places I want to see in the next five years.
BOSTON >see the green monster in person
U.K. > looks like we are going this summer
CANADA> canadian rocky mountains
THE REST OF SPAIN > only seen parts
THE REST OF ITALY> see above
OREGON/WASH ST. > sit and speak with my hippie friends
ISREAL > obligatory Christian destination
AFRICA > i need to adopt some kids and get famous
ALASKA > the home of eskimo pies? are you kidding me?!
AULSTRALIA > 100 year storm (long live sawyze)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I want to pull into this driveway every night.